
A course on Network Science, including network formation models, structural patterns, and dynamic processes.

This project is maintained by chatox


Software requirements

You will need:

:warning: Please, if you run into problems installing this software, ask in the course forum. Please do not ask the practice instructors, they absolutely do not have the bandwidth for this.

Practice sessions

Practice sessions are conducted with a computer.

There are eight practice sessions in this course. The first two sessions have handouts that are documents, the remaining sessions have handouts that are Python notebooks. Download the notebooks, open them, and follow the instructions there (some instructions are in color and are not visible in the preview shown on the GitHub website). Each session starts with psNN and describe the activities that the students must perform during the practice session.

At the end of each handout there is a description of what you should deliver. Please ask in the course forum or to your practice instructor (“profesor/a de prácticas”) any questions you may have.


You are expected to deliver your work within the deadline. Deadlines vary: some practices may be delivered several days after the practice sessions, other are expected to be delivered at the end of the session, i.e., you will have to complete them within the two hours.

# Handouts Contents Session Date 101 Deadline 101 Session Date 201 Deadline 201
1 PS01 Cytoscape: editing, visualizing, creating, importing and editing networks Sept. 27th, 16:30 Oct. 4th, 16:30 Sept. 27th, 14:30 Oct. 4th, 16:30
2 PS02 NetworkX and Cytoscape: the flavors network (Management networks data) Oct. 2nd, 16:30 Oct. 7th, 16:30 Oct. 4th, 14:30 Oct. 9th, 14:30
3 PS03 NetworkX and Cytoscape: creating a network using textual data Oct. 15th, 14:30 Oct. 18th, 14:30 Oct. 17th, 14:30 Oct. 22th, 14:30
4 PS04 NetworkX: weighted networks Oct. 16th, 16:30 Oct. 16th, 18:30 Oct. 18th, 14:30 Oct. 18th, 16:30
5 PS05 NetworkX: PageRank Oct. 17th, 18:30 Oct. 22th, 18:30 Oct. 21th, 18:30 Oct. 24th, 18:30
6* PS03+PS04+PS05 Wrap-up Oct. 22th, 14:30 —– Oct. 31st, 14:30 —–
7 PS06 NetworkX: network models Nov. 6th, 16:30 Nov. 11th, 16:30 Nov. 8th, 14:30 Nov. 13th, 13:30
8 PS07 NetworkX: k-cores Nov. 13th, 16:30 Nov. 13th, 18:30 Nov. 15th, 14:30 Nov. 15th, 16:30
9 PS08 NetworkX: community detection Nov. 20th, 16:30 Nov. 25th, 16:30 Nov. 22th, 14:30 Nov. 27th, 14:30
10* PS06+PS07+PS08 Wrap-up Nov. 27th, 16:30 —– Nov. 27th, 18:30 —–
11* Old exams Old exams review Nov. 28th, 18:30 —– Nov. 29th, 14:30 —–

* Participation in wrap-up sessions (#6, #10) is optional.


